
Sheet music:
Odyssey and Return - A cycle for guitar
Composed: 1993
The underlying idea of the composition „Odysseus - Odyssey and Return” is to create a great full-length opus for the concert guitar. The composition, basically following Homer’s literary “Odyssey”, forms a through-composed whole from the first to the last ton.
A. The Odyssey
1. Odysseus
2. The Cyclops Polyphemus
3. The Sorceress Circe
4. Setting out for the Uncertainty
5. In the Underworld
6. The Sirens
7. Scylla und Charybdis
8. Odysseus falls deeply asleep
10. Odysseus foresees the impending desaster
11. The revenge of the Gods
12. Odysseus drifts helplessly on the waves
B. The Return
1. Odysseus
2. The Nymph Calypso
3. The Olympus - seat of the Gods
4. Ihaca enveloped in fog
5. Odysseus reaches home
6. Odysseus’ transformation into a beggar
7. Telemachus’ desperate longing for Odysseus
8. Odysseus and the Suitors
9. Penelope
10. His dog Argus
11. The Recognition
12. Home
AMA-Verlag/Edition Margaux
Art.Nr.: em1066
AMA-Verlag/Edition Margaux, Amazon, JPC, at the local dealer or with me!

Sheet music:
The 9 Muses for guitar
Composed: 1997
The nine muses, originally naiads and goddesses of rhythm and song, are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (goddess of memory) and live upon the mountains Helikon and Parnassus. In Greek mythology they stand for the different aspects of music, language, dance and science. Kalliope: Muse of epic poetry and narrative song - Melpomene: Muse of tragedy - Uranis: Muse of astronomy - Erato: Muse of poetry of love - Terpsichore: Muse of choral dancing - Clio: Muse of history - Thalia: Muse of comedy and light verse - Euterpe: Muse of lyric poetry - Polyhymnia: Muse of hymns and serious song.
1. Mnemosyne (mother of the muses)
2. Kalliope
3. Melpomene
4. Urania
5. Erato
6. Terpsichore
7. Klio
8. Thalia
9. Euterpe
10. Polyhymnia
11. Zeus (father of the muses)
AMA-Verlag/Edition Margaux
Art.Nr.: em1074
AMA-Verlag/Edition Margaux, Amazon, JPC, at the local dealer or with me!

Sheet music:
Sonate Nr. 1 for guitar
Composed: 1998
High musical claim requires high technical skills. A piece for professional players.
3 parts
AMA-Verlag/Edition Margaux
Art.Nr.: em1093
AMA-Verlag/Edition Margaux, Amazon, JPC, at the local dealer or with me!

Sheet music:
G6 for 12 flutes
Composed: 2004
Order to the ensemble Flautissima
A version exists on this work for big orchestra worked on from the composer.
4 parts
Play duration:
ca. 5:30 minutes.
Edition Nova Vita
Art.Nr.: NV1017
Edition Nova Vita, at the local dealer or with me!

JAN PHILIPP MEYER e-guitar [vol. 1]
A man, an amplifier, a guitar - and a lot of music!
In Meyers music bulging life is.
His guitar tells, sings, growls, suffers, floats, rejoices.
Time powerfully orchestral, sometimes melodious tunefully.
Always excitingly, unexpectedly, full energy and inspirations.
Meyers music touches and ties up. Is well-spoken and completely of pressure at the same time. One feels involuntarily a motor activity.Music for the senses and the intellect equally. Jan Philipp Meyer listen makes fun!
Early Summer Song 25
Early Summer Song 26
Early Summer Song 01
Summer Song 27
Summer Song 02
Summer Song 03
Summer Song 29
Late Summer Song 30
Late Summer Song 28
Late Summer Song 11
Order No.: TZ897
Timezone, Amazon, iTunes, JPC, at the local dealer or with me!